Friday, July 16, 2010

Outreach for the OLA caregivers

The women wanted to bless all the caregivers at the OLA orphanage so they arranged for a pampering day and hired some women to do pedicures. We brought babysitters, Sarah, Sami, and 2 other girls, so that the caregivers would not have to work. The day before we prepped lunches and got gift bags together.

Thursday we got to the site early and set up tables.

There was no hot water for the pedicures so some of the workers had to chop wood and start a fire to boil water.

When we finally go going, we had about 7 caregivers who attended. Corrie spoke to them about how God sees them and how important their job is. In the end they got their nails done, had great fellowship, had a warm lunch, and hopefully felt loved!

What is life like for a missionary in Nigeria?...

Water needs to be purified before you can drink it and it's a tedious process. Here you see Juliana mixing the flok out of the water.

When washing dishes there is no hot water. You wash in the tap water and then always rinse in a bowl of bleach water.

When brushing your teeth, you need to use bottled water not tap water.

The shower has only a limited amount of hot water, because of lack of power, so the showers need to be quick.

You are constantly thinking in your mind when the power was last on and when to run the generator to keep the refrigerator cold and yet not run it too much.

When the power comes on, be ready to throw in a load of laundry and then it might go out in the middle or before you can dry. Then you can't hang the clothes outside because of mango worms so you hang them all over the house.

Because of the weak power there are no microwaves, toasters, hair dryers, etc...

Food is very expensive and limited as to what you can buy. You do without the extras like good candy, snacks, peanut butter, brownie mixes, etc.. Everything is made from scratch.

Everything needs to be stored in big tupperware closed tubs because of the rats.

The internet is slow and not always available.

If the power is out, you don't have fans, so you deal with the heat. Windows are open and neighbors are close so you hear everything.

The wall around your house has a gate that is locked and so needs to be opened every time you go in or out.

Women need to wear long skirts outside the house so as not to offend the muslims.

***Lets not take for granted our way of life!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bath Time

Mary, has stolen my heart! The other day we went over to OLA and it was time to bathe the children. When we walked in the babies (4) were laying in their cribs, without diapers, and soaking wet.

Corrie's mom, Eileen, is the bather and washed them all...

...and then handed them over to us to dry, lather with Vaseline...

and finally they have something on, which may not fit them and is an awful lot of clothing for a July day.

This would be a hard job on days we are not there and 1 caregiver has to do it all!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Top 10 most interesting scenes from Jos, Nigeria...

10- Where we changed our money (reminded me of a scene from a movie - 'just come behind the curtain')

9- Love the pool table outside - at night they take the top part off

8-Muslim prayer time

7-a termite mound

6-making material using a print block and ink

5-the intersection (was actually used to give directions to Corrie - turn left at the intersection)

4-scaffolding (would you feel safe?)

3-their dryers

2-(found on the wall of a village schoolroom)

1-Car Wash! (notice all the car seats taken out)

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Today we did an outreach with the Back2Back staff here, the OLA orphanage children, and Jessica and I. We had planned to go swimming but in the middle of July here it's rainy season and it was too chilly to swim. So we picked the kids up and headed out to the property to the Oasis Center. It is used to bring the men of the village together in a place that doesn't involve drinking, where they can watch soccer games, etc... Today we used the building to watch a movie with the kids, have lunch together, and then we hiked and played with water guns. I enjoyed getting to know them more. Some local Filani children wandered over and wanted to join in the fun, too. I am excited for all the people that Back2Back is touching and reaching out to and the children who are seeing God's love!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Right now John is working on more staff housing on the small plot of land Back2Back has.

Today they poured cement for the footings - a little different style!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The day I've been waiting for!!

Today we visited the orphanage OLA (Our Ladies of Apostles). Back2Back partners with this Catholic-run orphanage. Right now they have 9 kids but many are babies and today there was only 1 caregiver. Corrie and the kids, her mom, and Jessica and I went and helped with bath time and then got to play with them all! They are precious, precious children!! I spent the first minutes with Hope, an active 5ish year old, then held baby Mary for a long time, and then played nerf football with Daniel and Joe, the older boys...I fell in love with them all...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Driving along the road you see many flocks of goats, cattle, or sheep being driven along by the Fulani people. They are nomads who made quick grass huts to sleep in and wander during the day. It makes me think so much of the shepherd in the Bible who has 100 but loses 1. "Does he not leave the 99 in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?" - Luke 15...When I see these animals wandering among the rocks it is not easy to see them all. How would he have even realized he was missing one? But God sees every one of us and knows us and won't let us go.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sunday Jessica and I got to experience a Nigerian church which is where the Guckenbergers attend. Half of the population are Christians and half are Muslims in Nigeria, which surprised me by the number of Christians. It is respectful to have your head covered when you are in the church. The service was beautiful with all the women in their bright colors and babies on their backs, and the music and dancing!! Offering was offered up 3 times and there was special singing by a womens choir and a youth choir. The service is in Hausa, the tribal language, and the message was translated. One song they sang was translated "The holy spirit is alive in all nations!" I could feel it alive there!

Monday the pastor came to visit!


Well after arriving with a lot of jet lag and a bit of surreal-ness...I have gotten adjusted to being here and am taking it all in!!! I love every minute of it. The first thing I noticed about Jos' landscape is the red earth and the clustered rocks. I am enjoying visiting with the Guckenberger family (see the John and Corrie blog on my friends list). They were in Mexico for 4 years and I taught their children. Their life is definitely different here, even from Mexico. We have visited their church, the food market, and met other missionaries here. I have been challenged by their commissions from God and faith that he will provide. God you can be trusted to meet our needs!!!

It is the rainy season - Here I am playing in the rain with Gus, Sarah, and Sami