Sunday, May 18, 2008

More Matacanes

The opening to the cave - the green in the front

The end of the caves, the waterfall we had to propel up


Me doing my cliff jump!!!

Our Matacanes trip

Katie and I

One of the big slippery rocks we had to climb over

We used anything to help us up - even people's feet

Kathy, Cathy, Katie and I

We are so tough!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Yesterday I experienced one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life... But it was so worth it!! A group of us went canyoneering at Matacanes. You can check it out at Anyway, people come from all over to go to this canyon and you need a guide. Luckily, Juan, who works for Back2Back is a guide and has trained some of our guys to help. We had a group of 13 and we wore helmets, harnesses, and life jackets. By the time we traveled along a rutted, bumpy road for an hour we arrived there. The water was extra high from lots of rain lately and it was dark because of recent fires. Because of this we couldn't see through the water to see where rocks were and we had a lot of falls and bruises...I wasn't expecting so much water but we were in the water a lot. We started by hiking along the water on the rocks and then we had to get in. We'd swim some then get out and climb over rocks, then wade, then swim some more, and over and over. Then we got to the cave! I was not excited about entering a cave with an opening of 2-3 feet that we had to swim through. It was really beautiful inside when I could see and when it was dark I didn't really enjoy it!! Then we had to rope repel up a waterfall and that was a challenge with water pouring down and trying to get a handhold. Eventually we reached the cliff jumps. You didn't have to do this part but I actually jumped and it was at least 35 feet above water...!! After that, Juan had packed lunch in a waterproof bag and we had cheese, salami, and granola bars...Then we had to turn around and do it all again to get back! All in all it was 10 hours of hard work. I was proud of our whole group for not giving up. The hardest for me was being cold and the water was very cold so you never had a chance to warm up. But at the same time the whole experience was so beautiful and invigorating!!! Hopefully there will be photos to share with you soon...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

feliz cumpleanos Marlen

Marlen, the sister of Ewelin, turned 12 yesterday! She lives down the road at Casa Hogar Douglas. I took them out to eat and we had a good time talking and laughing. It was fun to watch her as the waiters sang to her and then she tried to blow out trick candles!

Last Sunday I had the privilege of going to our pastor's quinta. A quinta is a weekend/holiday home that some people from the city have. This home has been in their family and it is beautiful. We enjoyed sitting and talking, playing games, and eating, while the kids swam.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hanging out with my friends!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

One of the staff kids, Ben Huffer, is playing soccer here in the city. I am so proud of him for trying something new and especially when it involves everyone speaking another language. Good job Ben!