Saturday, June 13, 2009

First week of summer!!

What an amazing week! I got to work side by side all week with a group from my home church and some of my close friends!! One of my roommates from before I moved here, Jeanna, was a leader of the group and it was her first time here! I loved being able to show her my life and why I love this place! Heather Merrill also led the group, and is a great friend who used to live here! I knew some of the families already and got to know new people. They were all so wonderful and hard workers and I loved watching God work in their lives and grow in them a heart for Mexico. We mixed cement, painted, dug holes, over 100 degree weather. We also got to play with the children and take them swimming. I was so blessed and encouraged by everyone and it was hard to see them go. As Paul says, I thank God every time I remember you....

Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer Theme - Shelter!

Please pray for our staff as we prepare for our summer. The interns have arrived and our first 4 groups come Saturday. I am staying to work for the month of June and am looking forward to meeting new friends, working hard, being at the orphanages, and watching lives change through Jesus!
What is your definition of shelter?

Staff Retreat

Before our summer busyness the staff got together for a retreat in the mountains. It was way up - half an hour of winding roads but the view was amazing. We slept in cabins and enjoyed the outdoors. Our meetings were about getting ready to serve all summer and preparing for our theme. I even got to overcome another fear and rope repelled down a 110 foot rock. The hardest part was getting started. Then I loved it! Part of it was along the rock and part of it was free hanging in the air. I am so blessed to get to have these experiences and being a part of such a team!

Womens Bible Study

This winter and spring our womens bible study studied Beth Moore's "Living Beyond Yourself" about the fruits of the spirit. It was an amazing study that taught me so much!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

SMCA Graduation 2009

Last SMCA field trip!

For our final day of school, we went to El Retiro Juvenil to spend a day at the ropes course. It was fun to watch the kids work together and overcome fears when they climbed and jumped the "Leap of Faith".