Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Fall Festival
Tonight we had a fall festival for the staff kids. We had a hay ride on the back of a pickup, played games, had a bonfire, trick-or-treated to the houses inside our campus, and watched "Charlie Brown - The Great Pumpkin". Lots of fun!! (yes I made my costume out of cardboard, a cut up shirt, and a bucket for the hat!!)

field trip #2
Yesterday we took a field trip to The Forum in downtown Monterrey. The Forum is an international event where countries come together and discuss relevant issues. There are 4 concepts: Cultural diversity, sustainability, peace, and knowledge. The Forum meets in a different country each year and we are lucky enough to have it in Monterrey until December. Just like the Olympics, there are many new buildings and new landscaping done. There are exhibits, museums, shows, etc. Our students got to see a Cuban dance exhibit and several museums. Everyone there loved to see the blonde children and wanted to touch them. We were an unusual sight I guess.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Well I've been here 2 months and sometimes it seems to have gone fast and then I think, it's only been 2 months. Anyway, I have lots of time to think and I feel like God is showing me soo much. I can't believe how I drug my feet so much about coming and cried and thought I couldn't do it. Now that I am here I realize how it's not a bad thing and I wish everyone could take leaps and do things like this. You can't even explain the blessings but you see things differently. One of the guys was asking me what the biggest hardship is of being here. There are lots of little things but really there are none. When you step away from your life for a time you can see things in a different light. Money doesn't mean anything like it did in the States. It's amazing how I could even get sucked into materialism when I was there for a weekend and went into Target. But here it really doesn't matter. I could give money away without a second thought. Maybe it's because it is support money, but I don't think so. It really is a state of mind. We see God provide because we live on the edge. Here I get excited for the little things. A letter in the mail or a piece of candy or a call from a friend can mean so much and I took it for granted before. I don't want to lose this when I go back. We are all in community here and everyone uplifts and encourages each other and lives in harmony. Why can't life be more this way?? I wish everyone could experience this life for a time and then go back and see how your life would be changed.
Monday, October 22, 2007
South Padre Island, Texas
I just got back from an extravagant birthday present. My sister and brother-in-law paid my way to vacation with them at South Padre Island for 4 days!! I loved it. I got to spend my days with Mia, my niece. There was an awesome pool and beach. We went on a dolphin watching boat trip and saw a ton of dolphins. Also, we picked up shells, ate out, and watched the sand castle building contest. My last day we got up early to see the sunrise, and weren't disappointed. I felt spoiled the whole weekend...
But I do feel tough since I crossed the border and drove by myself all the way from Monterrey.

But I do feel tough since I crossed the border and drove by myself all the way from Monterrey.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
mi amiga
My birthday in Mexico
My birthday was Thursday and I missed all my friends back home and had a few sad moments, but I was treated very well here!!
Katie and Katie got up early and drove into town for a Starbucks for me, which is like gold. I don't get it ever like I did in the states. They gave me gifts and then when I opened my door to go to school I was greeted with the kids singing to me (p.s. it was pajama day too)

Then they had cupcakes for me at school and they all made me cards.

Then all of the ladies went downtown to a restaurant to celebrate! Good times!

Katie and Katie got up early and drove into town for a Starbucks for me, which is like gold. I don't get it ever like I did in the states. They gave me gifts and then when I opened my door to go to school I was greeted with the kids singing to me (p.s. it was pajama day too)
Then they had cupcakes for me at school and they all made me cards.

Then all of the ladies went downtown to a restaurant to celebrate! Good times!

Sunday, October 7, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
A day of firsts!!
Today was busy and fun, but the unexpected was noteworthy... Katie went with me to the Chiropractor. I finally had to give in and go because of headaches and pain. I found one who speaks English, but I had a 2-page survey to fill out in Spanish so I was thankful Katie was there. Then on the way home I had my first run-in with the policia. A policeman on a motorcycle motioned for us to pull over and we hadn't done anything wrong. He came to the window and asked something and I said I didn't speak Spanish. He asked for my papers and I did not have them with me (something you should never do). I told them they were at mi casa and he hung his head. After about 5 minutes of him talking and me saying 'no comprende' Katie said 'can we go' and he said 'okay'. It was so funny.
Then on the road Back2Back is on, we saw a huge crowd of people. As we got closer there was a parade of people in costumes and singing. I guess it was a day of one of the Saints.

Then on the road Back2Back is on, we saw a huge crowd of people. As we got closer there was a parade of people in costumes and singing. I guess it was a day of one of the Saints.

2 days in a row with the kids!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I finally got to go to Manantial de Amor, the childrens' home our GCC group usually spent the most time at!! There were a few girls I recognized, and Connie, one of the director's that I know, was there. To my GCC Mexico trip friends, I got to see the orange you painted and it looks great!! You might remember these boys in the picture. They are so adorable, especially Joel on the right.
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